Members-only Customer segmentation The STP customer segmentation model for competitive advantage Today brands need to get smart about connecting with their ideal customers. One proven strategy? The STP model for customer segmentation....
Members-only Affiliates and referrals The elements of customer marketing: Key strategies and tactics glossary Customer marketing is a science. Along with needing to do research, conduct experiments, and prove findings, customer marketing also has its fair share of specific concepts and lingo you'll have to learn....
Members-only Customer segmentation How to use demographic segmentation: Improve your marketing personalization techniques Demographic segmentation separates your existing customers based on some basic factors of their identity but doesn’t include things like geography, purchasing behaviors, and personality....
Members-only Customer marketing From B2B to B2H: Building customer connection In this article, we’re going to discuss one of the latest marketing approaches to have taken the product marketing industry by storm: B2H, or business to human, marketing....
Members-only Customer marketing Make effective use of personas by sharing with others in your organization Your persona work is only as good as their uptake. You can spend months on end thoroughly researching your market, and fine-tuning your persona document, but if product marketing’s the only department that ends up using those persona documents, all your hard work’s barely scratching the surface....
Members-only Articles SaaS customer education marketing requires solid customer profile Good marketing (just like good instructional design) requires a solid understanding of your audience (your learner). It’s time for us to get good at creating customer profiles....
Members-only Customer marketing The ultimate guide to perfect customer reactivation marketing The realm of the existing customer is where customer marketers have the most impact. So when customers leave, a part of the customer marketers responsibilities is to try and get them back! This is where customer reactivation marketing comes in....
Members-only Customer segmentation Ultimate guide to customer segmentation. The what, why, and how. Customer segmentation is a tool used by businesses that sorts and categorizes your existing customers by certain characteristics. This tool has a multitude of benefits, which we’ll be going over in this comprehensive guide....
Members-only Customer segmentation Customer segmentation: What is it and how does it help? Humans have alway loved categorizing things: people, animals, just about anything you can think of. And customers are no exception. Customer segmentation is a useful tactic to better align tools and strategies with your target customers....
Members-only Customer segmentation An introduction to personas Personas are a fundamental part of any marketing strategy. Whether you’re launching a new product or feature, revisiting a battle card, or building a product demo, they should be at the forefront of your mind throughout....