You voted, and we delivered.

A huge thanks goes out to all those who dedicated their time to nominate the exceptional individuals and companies that stand at the forefront of the customer marketing industry. 🙏

Now, it's time for the excitement to unfold: Save the date for October 25th when we’ll unveil the fortunate winners of these brand-new awards. 🎉

But before we dive into the big reveal, let's take a moment to celebrate those who made it to our outstanding shortlist. 👇

Customer Marketing MVP of the Year

This award is reserved for a customer marketer who is the epitome of going ‘above and beyond'.

They’re the full package when it comes to customer marketing, from their inspiring talks to their engaging posts on Slack – this person is the real MVP of customer marketing.

Let’s take a look at the shortlist:  

The winner will be announced on October 25.

Customer Advocacy MVP of the Year

The emerging, fresh talent within CM is something to shout from the rooftops, and this award celebrates the rising stars breaking into the customer marketing industry.

Let’s check out our finalists:

The winner will be announced on October 25.

Top Company to Work in CM For

This award is like the Best Picture category; it’s the one everyone’s vying for.

You all voted for the best company to work for in customer marketing and we were floored by the number of nominations for this award.

The victorious company is the complete package – it nurtures talent, is innovative, and promotes a sterling company culture.

Here are the awesome companies shortlisted:

The winner will be announced on October 25.

What’s next?

Well, first of all, congratulations to each and every one of our finalists! 🎉

We’ll be announcing the three lucky winners at our Customer Marketing Summit on October 25, 2023. Don’t forget to save the date, and get your free tickets here. 📅

Tune in to find out the results very soon.