Become a Customer Marketing Alliance ambassador

We’re a brand new community of customer marketers with one elevate the role of customer marketing.

To do that, we need you. 👈

Shaping the next evolution of customer marketing

In the grand scheme of things, customer marketing’s still a relatively new role. You know it exists, we know it exists, but others don’t. CMA ambassadors are instrumental in helping us raise awareness to:

1. Welcome more customer marketing enthusiasts into our community. As an ambassador you’ll see the benefits first-hand and we don’t want to deprive others of that, right?

2. Define the role and bring the next generation into it. The more people that know about customer marketing, the more prominent it will become. That means more talent, more recognition, and more influence.

3. Get customer marketing a seat at the table. You could say it’s only a matter of time until customer marketers are understood by every member of the C-suite. We want to make that time now.

The characteristics of a CMA Ambassador

Passionate. 💙
It’s an outrageously overused word, we know, but we want people who’re genuinely excited by and committed to customer marketing - because we are, and our ambassadors need to reflect our values.

Active. 🤸‍♀️
Don’t worry, we’re not asking for blood, sweat, or tears. Every customer marketer knows the value of advocates, and that’s what we’re looking for in our CMA ambassadors, we’re after people who already are, or pledge to be, part of the conversation.

Committed. 🤝
Real change takes time and we want people to join us for the whole journey, not just one stop. Being an ambassador won’t consume your time, all we ask for is a lasting, two-way relationship.

It’s not just all take...

We give a lot back too. Here are just some of the benefits of being a CMA ambassador:

📚 Early and exclusive access to new products and reports
📝 Opt-in scheme to BETA test new courses
📱 Reciprocal promotion on our site and social channels
🔮 Actual input into shaping the future of CMA
🎤 Exclusive speaking slots at our summits

What we ask for in return

🗣 Helping us shout about our work on social media
🧠 Contribution to our website - whether that be with an article, in a podcast, or through a webinar or event
🙌 Helping us out now and then by supporting our new releases

So, want to get involved?

Then we just need a few details from you:

In the meantime, if you’ve got any questions, drop a line to or find us on Slack.

The small print:

Please note, as we receive a large number of ambassador applications unfortunately we aren't able to accept everyone onto the program.

We also reserve the right to remove ambassadors from the program at any time should we feel we no longer have a mutually beneficial relationship.

It is also the individual ambassador's responsibility to keep us up-to-date with any changes to their circumstances e.g. starting a new job.